Darren's Photography Page!

I have sorted this page into several pages due to it's growth over the last year. Let me know what you think of the navigation.

The pictures are personal items taken over several years. I've had many of them put onto Photo CD and have scanned in others. Being photographs, I have choosen to use JPEG (24 bit colour) for your viewing pleasure. I used several graphics packages downloaded from the internet to convert and manipulate the images. This allows reading the image at all 5 possible sizes from the Photo CD, permittng me to choose the size that best fits my application.

See other Notes.

Normally darker shots require a tripod, but I have been known to not have one at hand. If you find yourself in this situation, then try to use what ever solid object is at hand. A gate, lamp post, a car with engine off, or even the ground. And take a deep breath to keep very still. You may be surprised at your result.

Vancouver Photos Link

Disney Castle Link Australia Link

Vulcan Link


Disney castles      Australia

Vulcan Alberta

Leads related to taking better pictures, and publishing for multimedia.